


“Yoga…is the path and not the goal. It is the experience of the path that matters. The bliss that we experience during this path is the experience of realization, Samadhi.”

-Nithyananda Paramahamsa

My method of teaching blends Hatha, Yin and Nidra styles of yoga to open up the body through creating flexibility, with a focus on alignment to gently build strength. When the body is approached with care, the mind-body connection can be reestablished which can then create stillness.

I completed my teacher training in 2016 with Diego Baldi at Inner Wellness Studio in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, where I formally qualified in the traditional Hatha/Vinyasa style of yoga. This was taught with a strong Iyengar influence which focuses on alignment and building strength and is excellent for injuries and correcting posture. I also have a solid Yin influence, which stretches into the deep tissues of the body which can release trauma and bring deep relaxation.

1-on-1 Yoga session

Book a 15 Minute Clarity Call with Amy.

Book a complimentary 15 minute clarity call for to discuss any questions you may have, or create a customized solution that fits with you.

Note that these classes and advice are a guidance only, and are alternative methods of healing. They are not intended to replace any medical or psychological treatment and consulting your doctor is advised if you feel it necessary.