Amy Anne

Intuition Coach& Mentor

By embracing the new Aquarian Age of purpose-driven business, I hope to join you along your journey of awakening and healing by sharing some of my experience, knowledge and healing with you. Through Energy healing, yoga, and body detoxification, you will be guided to open up the physical body which offers an opportunity to heal through the emotional pain body, then clear your energy field and thought patterns that were born during your core woundings. These processes are unique to each individual and using a combination of education and my own experience to guide and shine a light onto the path of your personal journey, there is an opportunity to heal and step into your higher purpose without all that baggage.  

Through studying life coaching and transformational coaching, I offer intuition coaching as an added service. Each yoga class, energy healing session and detox program has 1:1 coaching time incorporated into it for your benefit. Should you wish to connect with me for exclusive 1:1 coaching and mentoring, contact me for a clarity call.   

Book a 15 Minute Clarity Call with Amy.

Book a complimentary 15 minute clarity call for to discuss any questions you may have, or create a customized solution that fits with you.

mind-body connection


“Yoga…is the path and not the goal. It is the experience of the path that matters. The bliss that we experience during this path is the experience of realization, Samadhi.”

-Nithyananda Paramahamsa

Physical Yoga is one of the best ways to open up the emotional pain body and requires very little mental input. While practising, you awaken a network of intelligence, the same beautiful astute cells that gather together for healing cuts and bruises; will gather to heal your emotional wounds as well. While opening up the pain body, the scarring from your trauma that is stored within the fibres of the tissue and muscles is revealed and you are given the opportunity to release this pain that you have been carrying around. Every physical wound or ailment has an emotional attachment that can be healed.


 My method of teaching blends Hatha, Yin and Nidra styles of Yoga, tailoring each of your personal classes to your individual needs. I feel the body needs to be approached with care and navigated with discernment, as it holds many secret doorways to a deeper wisdom, and by reawakening the mind-body connection, those entry-ways are gently coaxed open, and trust for you self is built inside of you.


Energy Healing

I have been attuned through the Usui Shiki Rhoyo Reiki Masters Lineage and bring a combination of Reiki and Shamanism into an intuitive healing. Remembering that I do not do the healing myself, I am merely a facilitator. Your own body heals itself; I am the channel that opens the frequency between your body and Universal Energy, and when you are open to receiving, healing takes place.

An initial session will begin with a measurement of your Chakra energy and a chat about your history and concerns. Through assessing your needs, an intuitive approach will be taken and your individual healing will take place. You will lie down in a comfortable position, relax and be open to receive the energy and allow healing to take place where it needs to. At the end of a session, another chat will establish what was found and if any follow ups are required.

essential part of healing


For a long time, I felt unwell and did not even realise it. And then I noticed that majority of us feel unwell a lot of the time and are so used to it that illness or discomfort has become our homeostasis. For me, it was a foreign concept to feel well as a normal state. I carried pain killers and anti-histamines around in my handbag and used them almost daily. Once I felt what vitality was really like, carrying round thee medicines every day feels so foreign to me and I realise that there are so many people still doing this and more just to get through the day. What if I told you that this is unnecessary?

The best way to feel well and to find out what the body needs is to detoxify the body, and most of the time this just means to quit putting toxins into the body and to let the body detoxify itself, because the body can do that. I did my first juice fast at around the age of 28 and it changed my life. Every time I take my body through a detox, further layers are healed, and I experience mental clarity and emotional stillness. Over the years I have tried and tested many detox programs and fads. Some really went well and others took me through the trenches. So through my experience and trials and errors, I have brought you some of the most gentle and effective ones. Though this can be challenging, because food is a source of life, but the benefits far outweigh the difficulties.


I feel that this is an essential part of healing and getting better. We tend to over eat or make unhealthy eating choices based on our emotional state; then the body stores these toxins along with the memories of those emotions. When we detoxify the body, the mind and emotions automatically benefit, and we are often shown further opportunities for growth and healing in these instances.

Please click the button below for access to the various detoxes available. Each of my detox programs includes 1:1 mentoring with me, a guide book, shopping list and recipes. If your detox needs are not in line with any of my programs and you would like a more tailored approach then please get in touch and we can work together for your best results.



Amy is a beautiful special person with so much knowledge and passion for what she does!!! She provides a beautiful, sacred and safe space that allows you to be who you are to facilitate you on your healing journey! Being a holistic practitioner myself it is important that we too are healing and I highly recommend Amy.



Amy is incredibly talented at what she does. She has amazing insight and everything she does, is done with love and kindness.



Amy is extremely insightful and puts you at total ease when doing your readings. She explains each card in utmost detail for your particular question and is so patient.
Her very open and unbiased reading truly helped me make a big life decision and I am very grateful!

Note that these classes and advice are a guidance only, and are alternative methods of healing. They are not intended to replace any medical or psychological treatment and consulting your doctor is advised if you feel it necessary.